, Горелка, ERGOPLUS, 15, 3m, EURO_Trafimet, AZIA"|, SOLUT|, >" /> "/> "/> , Горелка, ERGOPLUS, 15, 3m, EURO_Trafimet, AZIA"|, SOLUT|, >"/>
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Горелка ERGOPLUS 15 3m EURO_Trafimet AZIA"| SOLUT| > Welding Group

Артикул: MA4200-030

в наличии

36 568 ₸

В наличии: 2

В остатках: 5шт.
ERGOPLUS [en] The highly renowned ERGOPLUS MIG torch has been updated to a new standard. In addition to the new ergonomic design, significant improvements have been made to the welding performance of the ERGOPLUS MIG torch.
The handle of the new ERGOPLUS is made of two components, rubber and plastic. Rubber textures are located on the top and the underside of the handle surface areas, where the human hand needs to hold the handle naturally and precisely.
One of the key features in the ergonomic design of the ERGOPLUS is the detachable pistol grip handle.
The ERGOPLUS has been fitted with a sealed microswitch trigger.
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